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Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Cat Breed Comparison

"Find similarities and differences between Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair" Compare Bombay and Maine Coon. Which is better: Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Name Bombay Maine Coon American Shorthair
OriginsUnited States flagUnited States United States flagUnited States United States flagUnited States
Group Crossbreed Natural Natural
Popularity Rank7149
User Ratings

Other Names
What other names do they have?
Small Black Panther Coon Cat, Maine Cat, Maine Shag, Snowshoe Cat, American Longhair, The Gentle Giants Domestic Shorthair
Which one is cheaper, Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair cat?
$600 to $1000 $1200 to $2000 $600 to $1200
Cost Of Ownership Low High Low
Breed Recognition No data available The International Cat Association (TICA)
Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA)
Maine Coon Breeders and Fanciers Association
The International Cat Association (TICA)
Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA)
American Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA)

Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Size, Appearance and Physical Traits Comparison

Which is bigger, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair cat?
The medium-sized cats usually weigh 10-15 pounds and are 8-11 inches long from the nose down.
The large-sized cats usually weigh 10-20 pounds and are 10-16 inches long from the nose down.
The medium-sized cats usually weigh 10-15 pounds and are 8-11 inches long from the nose down.
Which is heavier, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Male: 8 - 12 pounds, Female: 6 - 9 pounds Male: 15-25 pounds, Female: 8-12 pounds Males: 11 to 15 pounds, Female: 8 to 12 pounds
Bite ForceWeak Bite Strength: Less than or around 10 PSI Strong Bite Strength: Greater than or around 15 PSI Average Bite Strength: Around 10-15 PSI
Body Type Semi-cobby
This body type is a mix between the cobby and foreign types.
Maine Coon are large and heavy-boned with a strong, muscular build.
This body type is a mix between the cobby and foreign types.
Ear Shape Medium
Eye Color Gold
Hair Color and Pattern Black All coat colours and patterns, including solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, bicolor, tricolor, and colorpoint; most common is the brown classic tabby pattern. Wide range of colors and patterns, including solid, tabby, bicolor, and more.
What is the difference between Bombay, Maine Coon and American Shorthair coats?
Short Hair Longhair Short Hair
Leg Lenght Medium Medium Medium
Whisker Length Medium Long Medium
Musculature Robust Solid Lean
Head Shape Round Square Round
Toe Count 5 front
4 back
Polydactyl (extra toes commonly) 5 front
4 back
Eye Shape And Orientation Round Square Round
Night Vision
Paw Size Medium Large Medium
Nose Structure Convex Concave Concave
Neck Length Medium Long Medium
Fur Texture Soft
Bone Density Medium High Medium
Bone Structure Robust Slender
Tail Length Long and Tapered Plumed Long and Tapered
Sleep Patterns Moderate Sleep Calm
More Sleep
More Sleep

Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Special Abilities Comparison

Attention Span Long, enjoys play and interaction Long, playful and intelligent Long, focused on play and hunting
Guarding Instinct Moderate High High
Protection Instincts Moderate High High
Climbing Ability Low High High
Jumping Ability Good Good Good
Swimming Ability Poor Good Poor
Water Affinity
Rescue Capability Moderate Good Good

Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Health Comparison

Litter Size 3-5 Kittens 1-3 Kittens 1-3 Kittens
Special Needs Affectionate
Requires attention
High grooming
Low maintenance
Breeding Requires careful selection, small litter size Requires grooming knowledge, large litter size Easy to breed, large litter size
Dietary Preferences High protein, low carbs High protein, balanced diet High protein, raw diet
Solo Time Tolerance Low High High
Noise Sensitivity High Low Low
Genetic Diversity Low High High
Sensitivity To Changes
Medium sensitivity
Medium sensitivity
Medium sensitivity
Food Motivation Moderate High High
Feeding Schedule Twice a day
Morning and Evening
Twice a day
Morning and Evening
Twice a day
Morning and Evening
Maintenance Level High Moderate Moderate
Exercise Needs Low Medium Medium
Life Expectancy
Which will live longer, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
12-16 years 12-15 years 15-17 years
Energy Level
Which is more energetic, Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair cat?
The Bombay cat has an average energy level.
The Maine Coon cat has an average energy level.
The American Shorthair cat has an average energy level.
Which cat is hypoallergenic, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Bombay cats don't do well with allergy sufferers by causing an allergic reaction.
Maine Coon cats don't do well with allergy sufferers by causing an allergic reaction.
American Shorthair cats don't do well with allergy sufferers by causing an allergic reaction.
Common Health Issues
Which cat is healthier, Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair?
Very healthy cat breed.
Very healthy cat breed.
Very healthy cat breed.
Health Problems Upper Respiratory Infections
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Craniofacial Abnormalities
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Hip Dysplasia
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Diabetes Mellitus
Climate Temperate Temperate Temperate
Cold Tolerance Low Medium Medium
Heat Tolerance Low Medium Medium
Breeding Difficulty Medium Easy Medium

Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Characteristics and Personality Comparison

Common Vocalizations Quiet and infrequent meows Quiet chirps and trills Moderate meowing
Interaction With Other Pets Good, enjoys social interaction Excellent, very social and friendly Excellent, enjoys other pets' company
Facial Expression Social and loving Friendly and intelligent Calm and adaptable
Tail Behavior Social tail movements Gentle swaying tail Flicks tail when curious
Explorer Instincts Low Moderate High
Attention Needs High Moderate Low
Protectiveness Moderate High High
Territoriality Moderate Moderate High
Independence Moderate High High
Response To Commands High High High
Adaptability To Indoor Life High High High
Hunting Drive High High High
Play Style Social
Escape Tendencies Moderate Moderate Moderate
Curiosity High High High
Hunting Skills Low ⬇️ High ⬆️ High ⬆️
Reaction To Strangers Friendly 😊 Friendly 😊 Cautious
Stalking Behavior Moderate High High
Aggression Level Low Moderate High
Training Difficulty Easy Easy Moderate
Agility Moderate High High
Travel Compatibility Medium Low Medium
Low Active
Moderately Active
Moderately Active
Compatibility With Other Animals Low
Household Noise Tolerance Low Medium Medium
Active Adventurer. Bombay are quite playful and enjoy frequent play sessions.
Active Adventurer. Maine Coon are quite playful and enjoy frequent play sessions.
Active Adventurer. American Shorthair are quite playful and enjoy frequent play sessions.
Average Trainability: Bombay cat breeds are less interested in training and obedience, but can still learn basic commands and routines with enough practice and rewards.
Moderately Trainable: Maine Coon cat breeds require more patience, repetition, and reinforcement to learn new commands and behaviors, but can still be trained successfully with consistent efforts.
Average Trainability: American Shorthair cat breeds are less interested in training and obedience, but can still learn basic commands and routines with enough practice and rewards.
Lap Cat
Which cat is lap type, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
This cat loves to sit on his owner's lap.
This cat loves to sit on his owner's lap.
This cat loves to sit on his owner's lap.
Which one has a better personality, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Affectionate Adaptable Active
Which cat has a higher adaptability potential?
Bombay cats adapt very well to lifestyle changes and basically all living environments.
Maine Coon cats adapt very well to lifestyle changes and basically all living environments.
American Shorthair cats adapt very well to lifestyle changes and basically all living environments.
Affection Level
Which is the more affectionate cat breed: Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair?
High: Bombay cats are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving and affectionate cats toward their handlers.
High: Maine Coon cats are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving and affectionate cats toward their handlers.
High: American Shorthair cats are genuinely loyal, soft and gentle, loving and affectionate cats toward their handlers.
Child Friendly
Which cat is more kid-friendly, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
The Bombay cat is a child-friendly breed.
The Maine Coon cat is a child-friendly breed.
The American Shorthair cat is a child-friendly breed.
Dog Friendly
Which cat is more dog-friendly, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Very dog-friendly: Bombay owners often find that their cats get along very well with the family dog.
Very dog-friendly: Maine Coon owners often find that their cats get along very well with the family dog.
Very dog-friendly: American Shorthair owners often find that their cats get along very well with the family dog.
Which cat is smarter, Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair?
Outstanding: Bombay is one of the brightest cat breeds.
Outstanding: Maine Coon is one of the brightest cat breeds.
Average: the American Shorthair cat has an average level of intelligence.
Social Needs
Which cat is more social, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Above-average: they need more social interaction than average cats.
Average: they need as much social interaction as the average cat.
Above-average: they need more social interaction than average cats.
Stranger Friendly
Which cat is more stranger friendly, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Above-average: this cat breed gets on well with strangers.
Very: this cat breed gets on very well with strange people.
Average: this cat breed gets on relatively well with strangers.
Which cat is the loudest, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
This cat breed meows very often.
Low vocalization cats are a category of cats that typically make less noise than other cats.
Low vocalization cats are a category of cats that typically make less noise than other cats.

Bombay vs Maine Coon vs American Shorthair Grooming Comparison

Seasonal Shedding Low High Moderate
Grooming Tools Needed Brush
Deshedding Tool
Nail Clipper
Nail Clipper
Deshedding Tool
Dental CareModerate High Low
Which is easier to groom, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
Low Maintenance
Occasional grooming is recommended to keep the Bombay coat in good condition.
Moderate Maintenance
Grooming your Maine Coon cat is an essential part of caring for their health and well-being.
Moderate Maintenance
Grooming your American Shorthair cat is an essential part of caring for their health and well-being.
Which cat sheds less, Bombay or Maine Coon or American Shorthair?
This cat breed sheds much less than the average.
If you're looking for a cat that won't leave a trail of fur everywhere they go, you might want to rethink your choice of pet.
If you're looking for a cat that won't leave a trail of fur everywhere they go, you might want to rethink your choice of pet.

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