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Intelligent Hypoallergenic Dogs

What are the smartest hypoallergenic dogs? What dog breeds have the highest IQ? Find out which hypoallergenic dogs are the most intelligent.

Showing 121-123 of 123 items.
Standard Wauzer dog profile picture
Origin: Germany, Scotland
Cross Breed
Size: Small
Hypoallergenic: Yes
Lifespan: 12-16 years
Tsvetnaya Blonka-Poo dog profile picture
Origin: Germany, France, Russia
Cross Breed
Size: Small
Hypoallergenic: Yes
Lifespan: 12-16 years
Ttoodle dog profile picture
Origin: Germany, France, Tibet
Cross Breed
Size: Medium
Hypoallergenic: Yes
Lifespan: 11-15 years